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时间:2024-12-31 11:49:14 来源:直播吧

12月31日勇士vs骑士赛前 科尔完整采访


Q:What kind of nuance goes into ATO late game, situational execution coming out of a timeout?


Kerr:Yeah, I mean, it varies. It’s generally situational. What are you trying to do? Are you trying to get two-for-one, or going for two or three? Some stuff we practice, and other stuff we might just draw up on the fly if we see an opportunity. Our players are generally good at executing plays right off the board without practice. Sometimes you need plays for specific scenarios, like when the other team has a foul to give. There are many variables involved.


Q:Is there any update, or any sense of how long Brandin will be out?


Kerr:It’s not bad. The MRI was clear, and he stayed today, which is great. Abdominal strains can keep guys out for a while, but this one doesn’t seem too bad.


Q:What were the markers in your first season coaching the Warriors that made you believe this team could take big steps right away?


Kerr:It was obvious almost right away that we had a hell of a team. They were already a top-five defense the previous year with a lethal backcourt. The biggest thing was convincing the players that we didn’t need to go through years of heartbreak to win a championship.


Q:You’ve talked about Jonathan Kuminga’s performance recently. What’s changed for him?


Kerr:JK has been going crazy the last two games. He’s a phenomenal talent and an unbelievable athlete. When he’s locked in, nobody can guard him. He’s becoming a rising star.


Q:Draymond Green recently moved into third place on the franchise’s all-time three-point list. Did you envision this when you started coaching him?


Kerr:No, I wouldn’t have guessed. But he’s adapted his game over the years and shown confidence in his shooting, which is remarkable.


Q:How important is it for young players like Kuminga and others to step up and become core contributors?


Kerr:It’s huge. This is a young man’s game. You need a young core to compete. I feel better about our young group now than ever before.


Q:Reflecting on the Warriors-Cavs rivalry, what sticks with you?


Kerr:It’ll go down as this era’s version of Lakers-Celtics. The star power, epic performances, and signature moments will be remembered for years.


Q:What do you think about Kenny Atkinson’s success with Cleveland and the influence you had on him?


Kerr:I’m happy for him. Kenny’s a great guy, and he brought so much to us when he was here. He’s a phenomenal coach, and I’m glad he waited for the right opportunity instead of jumping into a lesser one.


Q:How important is buy-in from your best player when you take over as head coach?


Kerr:It’s crucial. I was lucky with Steph. He’s very trusting, and we built a strong relationship quickly. Coaching is about collaboration, and Steph made that easy.


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